This beach art is part of the projects where we are both in letting go and performance. There is no logical construction of the fresco or a precise idea when arriving on the beach, we are looking more for a visual effect on a simple basis. The drawing on the sand and the landscape will be intimately linked to form the final ephemeral painting. This sandbank at the Côte Sauvage between 2 baïnes lent itself well to this game of curves, which earned me about 3 hours of tracing on the beach. A base, which vaguely resembles a 5-leaf clover or rather a somewhat coarse starfish and let’s go, we will then go around this shape by following its lines and more or less spacing the lines by following its instinct. A new work of art for the beach has just been born, but the sea was already at work during its construction, that’s also the sea effect.